AUXCOMM Upcoming Events 2025


The SW VA AUXCOMM Association participates in several public service events throughout the year. These events show the usefulness of the amateur radio service and act as a form of practice for emergency communication events. 

If you are interested in volunteering for any of these events, please either email Randy Lilly (KE4RL) or

April 05, 2025 - Appalachian Journey Bike Ride, Floyd County, VA

April 12, 2025 - New River Trail 25-50-100K Run, Fries, VA 

April 17-20, 2025 - No Frills Horse Ride, Star Tannery, VA (Exit 296 on I81)

June 12-15, 2025 - Old Dominion Horse Ride, Orkney Springs, VA

August 22-23, 2025 - Iron Mountain Jubilee Horse Ride, Cripple Creek, VA

September 20, 2025 - New River Trail Challenge Triathlon, Foster Falls, VA

October 16-19, 2025 - Fort Valley Horse Ride, Fort Valley, VA (Exit 296 on I81)

BARC Member Survey 2025

One of our goals for 2025 is to have someone present a topic of interest at each of our meetings for about 15 to 30 minutes. Please take a moment to fill out our short survey on what topics you would like to hear about or give a presentation on. 

Click here to take the member survey.

December Reminders

Hi everyone!

I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving! I wanted to send a couple of quick reminders out to everyone from the Briarpatch Amateur Radio Club:

The Net is every Tuesday night at 8pm local time. The 147.090+ 103.5 tone W4BRC/R repeater is back on line and now located at its new home on Poplar Knob. The N4VL system is still linked in during the net, so please come and check in however you can hear the net best. The net roster and preamble (a new one "updated" to be sent shortly) are on the website if you need them, or you can contact me at anytime and I'll snail mail you a copy.

Our Next meeting will be December 14th at 1pm at the First Christian Church in Galax. It is a covered dish meal. There is a silent auction for club members that will conclude that day. Items and bidding information is listed on the website.

Last call for anyone interested in being a net control for 2025. I hope to finalize the Roster by Thursday. Please send me an email if you'd like to be added. I think I have contacted everyone in person or via email now that is currently listed.

Dues Are Due at the Christmas Dinner! David and Brandy will have updated information at the Dinner. If you have any questions Please contact David Roten or myself and we will get you the information you need. 

Keep an eye out for additional announcements and information. I may have a couple until I get everything caught up.

Thank you!

Brandy Puckett- KI4CPJ

POTA on the Parkway 10.20.24

Some of our club members activated the Blue Ridge Parkway this past Sunday. A shoutout to everyone who was present:

David Puckett, AJ4BD
Brandy Puckett, KI4CPJ
Steve Wood, KO4GOQ
Scott Alexander, KO4HWD
Dan and Mae Gates, KQ4HUR
Michael Heiney, KQ4JQK
April Heiney, KQ4KAJ along with their sons Mason and Alex
Tina Puckett, KI4BMU

Be sure to checkout our full photo album of the even and take a look at the comet photo taken by April Heiney!

Burying Cable to 709

Recently a number of our club members completed the chore of burying cable to power our 709 repeater. A huge thanks goes out to the following:

Dan and Mae Gates (their home, drinks, and pizza) for raking, shoveling, and running the trencher. 

Tommy Lineberry who brought and ran the trencher, and was the main operator in the endeavor. 

David Roten for bringing his tractor which was a great aid in filling the trench and bringing Maggie for support. 

Frank Semones, David Puckett, Scott Alexander, Brandy Puckett, Junior Diamond, Dick Newel, Michael Heiney, April Heiney, Mason Heiney, and Alex Heiney, for all the hard work shoveling, raking, and smoothing!

See the full photo album here.  

Donated Equipment

Our club has been donated the following list of gear. We plan to have a silent auction at the club's annual Christmas dinner. Information about the auction can be found on our Auction Page

  1. Handy Talkie
  2. Kenwood Antenna Tuner AT-200
  3. Icom 706MKIIG (HF, VHF, UHF, All Mode)
  4. Icom IC-703
  5. Kenwood TR-7625 2M
  6. Kenwood TH-F6A
  7. 10' Power Cord 12 AWG
  8. Knight Kit Short Wave Receiver Spanmaster
  9. VFO-820 Remote VFO
  10. AEA Model PK-232 MBX
  11. ARRL Handbook 2010
  12. AEA Model PK-88 Packet Controller
  13. Mirage A1015 50-52Mhz 150 Watt Amplifier 
  14. Kenwood TS-600 6M All Mode
  15. Kenwood TS-820s Serial#730175
  16. Kenwood TS820s Serial#610806 B unit
  17. 7 Radio Tubes
  18. MFJ Model MFJ-752 Signal Enhancer
  19. Advanced Electronic Applications Computer Patch Interface Model CP-1
  20. Astatic D-104 Microphone
  21. Kenwood MC-50 Microphone
  22. Alinco DM-330MV Switching Power Supply
  23. Workman K-16 Deluxe Commercial Speaker
  24. MFJ Model MFJ-281 Cleartone Speaker
  25. Kenwood Remote VFO VFO-820 (With Cord)
  26. Kenwood Antenna Tuner AT-200
  27. Kenwood Microprocessor Control unit RM-76
  28. Kenwood MC-50 Microphone
  29. Kenwood Model S-599 Speaker
  30. ABCO Electronics Communications Noise Reduction Voicegate II
  31. JABCO Voicegate 
  32. DAIWA NS-660PA SWR/Power Meter
  33. RG8X, 50ft 95-14400 OEM/USA with PL-259 Connector at one end
  34. Diamond Duplexer MX-62M
  35. Woodswire Model 799 (15A) Temp Power Tap
  36. SS-2B-F Temp. Power Strip (15A)
  37. Stratitec Model S1003-03 Power Strip (15A)

BARC Picnic Oct. 5th

We will be having our annual BARC Picnic on Oct. 5th @ 1PM. It will be a potluck style meal at the First Christian Church in Galax, VA. Be sure to bring your best home cooking!

Note: The September club meeting was canceled due to weather. We will be discussing club business at the picnic.