SKYWARN Recognition Day 2022

SKYWARN Recognition day will be on Saturday, December 2, 2022 from 0000-2400 UTC (7:00PM 12/2/22 until 7:00PM 12/3/22 EST). Be sure to check into the many NWS stations that will be active and give your local weather report!

The Iceman Commeth (Jan SET 2023)

Our AUXCOMM group is hosting a winter SET called "The Ice Man Commeth." The simulated emergency test will be on January 14th from 10AM to 2PM EST.

For a detailed overview of the SET please go to

Registrations will be accepted until January 1st. You can register at

BARC Meeting 10.27.22

We will be having our club meeting on Thursday, October 27 at 7:30PM. We will meet at the First Christian Church of Galax VA. Our AUXCOMM group will meet at 6:30PM and everyone is welcome to both meetings. Please park in the lower parking lot and we will meet in a large classroom.

First Christian Church is located at 402 N Jefferson St, Galax, VA 24333