We will be having our annual Christmas Dinner which will also be our December club meeting on Saturday the 9th of December. The dinner/meeting will be held at Fiddler's Restaurant in Hillsville from 4PM to 8PM. Club officer elections will be held at 7PM. Frank WB1USN, will be raffling off a 50 watt dual band mobile radio, tickets will be available at $1 each or 5 tickets for $3. Hope to see you there!
BARC News 10.27.23
A bit of BARC news to relay, so here goes.
1. The FCC is looking to make cuts to 60m usage. This is short fused. Your comments are needed by 30 October (preferably not to make the proposed changes.) Below is my example comment if you'd like to use / edit it. Even better if you can make a personal comment on your use of 60m:
I strongly encourage the FCC to support ARRL’s initiative for the current 100 W ERP power limit to be maintained (instead of reducing the power limit to 15 W EIRP) and continuing secondary access to the current channels. The current FCC proposal would take away several discreet channels and reduce power output from the current 100 W to less than 10 W. This proposal is the most sweeping reduction of HF privileges in decades. If the FCC goes through with the change, will an emboldened FCC remove or modify more HF privileges? Government is in place to protect the citizenry it represents, not to strip them of their rights and privileges. I look forward to your support. Respectfully, (name, call)
For more info, here's the ARRL web page: https://www.arrl.org/60-meter-band
2. VP Dick, WA4ZIZ notes a free ZOOM class for ham operators seeking their General license beginning 11/2.
3. NOAA updates Cycle 25 (3rd story): https://spaceweather.com
4. BARC meeting last PM, 10/26. Some *important* takeaways:
** No November in person meeting as this runs into Thanksgiving.
** Our next in person meeting & Christmas Party will be 09 Dec, at Fiddler's Resteraunt in Hillsville. We have BARC reservations from 4PM until 8PM. Several things will be occuring besides a good time:
- Officer elections at 7PM. All BARC offices are up for new candidates to step in. This is a great way to give back to your ham community!
- Raffle for a 50W dual band radio. Tickets $1 each, or 5 tickets for $3. (Thanks Frank!)
- BARC patches will be for sale, $5 for 3", and $10 for 6" sew on patches.
- Annual dues will be collected. $15 for 1st member, $7.50 for each additional family member.
- Discussion to consider ARRL affiliation for BARC. A vote will be taken at the in person January Club meeting. ARRL club affiliation benefits can be reviewed here: http://www.arrl.org/affiliated-club-benefits
- Each person, couple or family will pay for their own meal which elimiates the 15% required group gratuity. I.e. tips will be up to you, the payer.
- more meeting details will be available once the minutes are approved.
October Club Meeting 10.26.23
Our monthly club meeting for October will be held on Thursday the 26th. The AUXCOMM group will meet at 6:30PM and the regular club meeting will be at 7:30PM at the First Christian Church in Galax, VA.
BARC News 9.29.23
It was pointed out that club officer elections will be held at the Christmas dinner on December 9th @7PM. The dinner will be hosted at the Fiddler's Restaurant in Hillsville, VA. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else to an elected position. Please contact us before the dinner.
It was decided that we would have a technical committee as opposed to an individual technical officer for the club's repeater and equipment maintenance. The club repeater is still having interference issues during the night. Committee members will try troubleshooting it further soon.
Relocating the club repeater was also discussed and may be a possibility in the near future.
It was reported that the club presence at the Carroll County Ag Fair was a success. A number of people expressed interest in the hobby and even signed up for testing.
Moving our meeting location to the EMS building is still in discussion.
A big thanks goes out to David Puckett (AJ4BD) for the great presentation on baluns and antennas at the end of our meeting. For those who would like to shop for a toroid to build your own, he recommends https://www.cwsbytemark.com/.
A number of the AUXCOMM group will be heading to the Fort Valley Endurance Horse Ride event October 20-22. Some of the remaining members will be helping the Floyd Amateur Radio Society provide communications for the Tour de Dirt bike ride on Saturday, October 21st. If you would like to volunteer for either event, please email us. For more info on the Tour de Dirt, visist https://plentylocal.org/tour-de-dirt/
A VE Testing session is to be held October 12th. For more info visit our VE Testing Page.
Our next club meeting is scheduled for October 26th.
The club will not meet in November due to a conflict with the Thanksgiving holiday.
September Club Meeting 9.28.23
Just a quick reminder that our club meeting for September is on Thursday the 28th. The AUXCOMM group will meet at 6:30PM and our regular club will meet at 7:30PM at the First Christian Church in Galax, VA.
New River Trail Challenge 2023
If you want to sign up to participate as a volunteer communicator, email us.