
The Briarpatch Amateur Radio Club serves amateur radio operators in southwest Virginia and North Carolina. Meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month at the First Christian Church in Galax, VA at 7:30 PM unless otherwise stated on the calendar.

We operate a weekly net every Tuesday at 8:00 PM. The net is held on the W4BRC (147.090+ 103.5T) and the N4VL/R system (145.130- 103.5T) and is also linked to the Critter Net on 442.325+ 114.8T. 

Click Here to fill out our club application.

The club also offers quarterly Laurel Volunteer Examiner sessions. These testing sessions are free. Please bring two forms of identification, one of which needs to be a photo id. If you are upgrading, please bring your original and a copy of your current license or CSCE.

BARC annual dues are $15.00 for one Full Membership and $7.50 for each household member Associate Member. Fee are due January 1st each year to the BARC Treasurer, and may handed off to our Treasurer during a BARC in-person meeting, or be mailed to:

Mr. David Roten
5775 Meadow Creek
Galax, VA 24333

Current Club Officers:
President: Dick Newell (WA4ZIZ)
Vice President: Steve Wood (KO4GOQ)
Secretary/PIO: Brandy Puckett (KI4CPJ)
Treasurer: David Roten (KO4EUD)
Technical Committee: Frank Howard (WB1USN), David Puckett (AJ4BD), Brandy Puckett (KI4CPJ)
Club Trustee: Junior Diamond, N4VL
VE Coordinators: Chris Ecker (HY4QE) and David Todd (N4SH)